brian and i are celebrating our 15th year in Dec.
dated 4 years b4 that
19 of the best years of my life
I LOVE HIM!!!!!!
so why do i argue with him still?
each argument never to different from that last.
Jen-you dont hear me
Brian-no, You dont hear Me
Jen-Why dont you listen?
Brian-Why don't you listen?
Jen- you always do this.
Brian- well you never do that.
on and on and on and on and on
quite a mystery at times
I prayed for a husband like Brian
I praised God for giving me such a great husband
i dont deserve the gift that Brian is in my life
we drive each other crazy at times.
sometimes like speaking to a foreigner
we are saying the same thing just speaking a different language
why is that?
do i blame adam and eve?
do i blame myself?
should i stop blaming Brian?
i'm sure it is not the last one!:)
after a fight i truly feel my fallen nature.
after resolution i feel so remorseful and repentant
so connected and close to Brian after forgiveness
why am i me? why can't i be better?
why am i always right?:) j/k
Less of me and more of you God.
OMG! 19 years is like....FOREVER!!
Did you meet your first semester in college? I kinda remember us talking about all that at Kathy's but my memory ain't what it used to be.
Sometimes I wish Jim would argue with me....I push his buttons when I'm bored! ;) (on purpose) AH HA HA (evil laugh)
Arguing is still communicating. Much better than the silent treatment. I think you and Brian were created for each bring out the best in each other (and yea, maybe the worst too but if that's the case, we sure don't see it), you compliment each other. We cherish both of you as truly wonderful friends, completely loyal, giving, loving, absolutely REAL people!!
Thanks for sharing, I am reminded of how blessed I am as well.
Happy Thanksgiving on Thursday! We are leaving for Disneyland in the morning, but I wanted you to know that I am Thankful for our friendship! Our connection with the "blogs" has been what's kept me going on some days. Thanks for blogging and reading ours and making comments. You make me laugh and laughter lifts my spirit and seems to create energy to get through the day! Thanks Jen!
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