Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Program interruption

You know how you'll be watching your favorite show and the network breaks into the program and ruins the football game, or the series finale?
You had been looking forward to watching this show all week and now everything comes to a halt until you find out what was so dang important.

I had a life program interruption today.
Advanced medical imaging called.
Need a more extensive mammogram & breast ultrasound
Seems very soon for something not serious.
regular programming will resume shortly.

I live with 2 worriers
I know how to handle their worries
I even pre-marked passages in Kenna's bible before i gave it to her as a gift.
don't worry about tomorrow
flowers and birds don't
God loves them and takes care of them.
How much more does he love me?

Get through today first.
It is like when you were a kid.
One of your teachers gave you a quiz
It had all these ?'s and at the top it said
Read all the instruction before completing this quiz.
the last line of the quiz said
write only your name at the top of the paper and turn in the quiz.
That is what I going to remember.
I'm not going to jump ahead and worry about what-if's
get all the instructions before panicking.

1 comment:

z007mom said...

I remember that quiz. Draw a blue square in the upper left corner, underline such-n-such in green...so many colorful pages in my class.

AMI didn't give you an explanation of WHY you need to go back so soon?
You are right...God loves you much more!!
You're in my prayers today!

Don't worry, Be happy! (whatever)