Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Let me start by saying i love my kids.
they are a blessing that i cant begin to be worthy of having.
I love all 3 of them and more importantly genuinely like them.


how do you get through to a chronic airhead.
And before you assume its the girl it is not.
my middle born is the sweetest, most thoughtful kid you will ever meet,
but he cant remember ANYTHING.

for the past week i have asked him everyday if he has the items he needs to bring home after school and EVERYDAY he has forgotten something.
i have taken away TV , docked allowance, i even went to talk to teacher. Nothing seems to stick.
is it a passing phase?
is it a middle child thing?
i am becoming the nag that i swore i would never be.

1 comment:

Cathy Loper said...

What a beauiful picture of you! I love it.
I wanted to say that as a mom of 3 boys they are a species all of their own.
My youngest is 33 and is still losing his wallet and his cell phone. It is a given, we all know that if he doesn't answer his phone it's because it is missing or has gone thru the washer. Did I say he is 33. I would give him another house key to our house but it is pointless. He would lose it.
The thing is, that somewhere along the way he began to see himself as lame because he couldn't remember things that I just told him.
He is extremely intelligent and now teaches biology to Jr High students but he genuinely doesn't hold on to things like we do. It's a form of ADD and it's not his fault, it's just his struggle.
It was really hard to always be in trouble for something. And when mom joined in with the rest of the world to let him know he had once again failed to remember something, he learned to lie to her so he wouldn't be in trouble.
I would give anything to have known what he really needed from me then. Moms just don't know everything, but they do love their boys and somehow that has to come thru loud and clear above all the forgetting.
He still feels really awful and guilty when he forgets things and I try to let it go and never have it matter more than our love for each other. He is a good son even though he forgets things. Thank you for listening--I will be praying for you and your son. He sounds really great.

PS. Oh, by the way, my son got his brain from his father. I know this because I remember everything! Ha!